
Just for fun

I decided to introduce a bit of variety into my daily commute today by scanning the Wifi networks on the way to the office.

I used my Sony pcg-fxa53 laptop with a senao NL-2311CD Plus Ext2 pcmcia wifi card, an external antenna, and a garmin legend gps navigator. As for software, I used Linux SuSE OSS 10, kismet, gpsd, gpsmap and google api.

Once I’d thrown all that together (and of course I could write an article on that) I set off for work.

I live pretty close to the office, and my commute only takes about ten minutes – even in that time I was able to collect a fair bit of data which is shown in the picture below.

Overall, I detected 40 Wifi networks: the totally unprotected networks are marked with a red dot, those with WEP enabled are marked with a yellow dot, and those with WPA are marked with a green dot.

Just another little bit of data to add to our continuing research on wifi networks and encryption around the world.

Just for fun

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Meet the GoldenJackal APT group. Don’t expect any howls

GoldenJackal is an APT group, active since 2019, that usually targets government and diplomatic entities in the Middle East and South Asia. The main feature of this group is a specific toolset of .NET malware, JackalControl, JackalWorm, JackalSteal, JackalPerInfo and JackalScreenWatcher.

APT trends report Q1 2023

For more than five years, the Global Research and Analysis Team (GReAT) at Kaspersky has been publishing quarterly summaries of advanced persistent threat (APT) activity. These summaries are based on our threat intelligence research; and they provide a representative snapshot of what we have published and discussed in greater detail in our private APT reports.

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